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Shroud of Jesus - Sacra Sindone

di Sudhakar Gaidhani 

Proposta di Franca Colozzo »

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Pubblicato il 11/07/2022 19:51:51



Sudhakar Gaidhani is M.A., M.F.A.from Nagpur University-Maharashtra-India. His mother tongue is Marathi. He knows three languages, Marathi, Hindi, and English. His poems have been translated into 34 languages. He has received many State, National, and International awards including WILLIAM BLAKE INTERNATIONAL AWARD from Contact International Journal in Romania and SILVER CROSS For CULTURE– WORLD MEDAL from the World Union of Poets- Italy. Contact International journal has dedicated its Oct.Dec.2021 issue to Gaidhani’s poetry with the honor as – The Celestial Year 2021 CONTACT INTERNATIONAL is named after our LAUREATE, THE GREAT INDIAN EPIC POET SUDHAKAR GAIDHANI. He has published his 6 collections of poems, 2 epic poems, 125 Short Radio Plays, and 3 full-fledged dramas which have been staged. His poetry book was in his MA study syllabus at Nagpur University and he was a student in the same class. Municipality Khapa City has opened a beautiful garden on two acres at Gaidhani’s birthplace in his name and the honor as-"MAHAKAVI (Epic Poet) SUDHAKAR GAIDHANI GARDEN“ in 2006. World Academy of Arts and Culture- USA/World Congress of Poets has conferred upon him The Honorary Degree of „DOCTOR Of LITERATURE (Litt.D.) held in 2017 in Mongolia. Works available in several World Libraries including Library of Congress-Washington, USA.


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Lonely was I on Mount Nebo
as I sat down to stitch together some rags
At that moment the Lord
appeared before me.
I smiled like a sad brook.
"What are you doing here, my child? Even my blood
on the cross
You have wiped with these rags"!
"Lord, as long as the sun
Is cooling on the horizon
I will sew together this holy garment
using a nail of Thy crucifix as a needle.
The firmament shook
All living beings began to run away in panic
Such was the cruelty heaped on Thee
By those rascals
This is the last garment on Thy body
Which those devils tore down on the street
Soaked in Thy holy blood
I picked it up right away
And washed it with my tears halfway
That is what I am doing here
Stitching it with all my might
with the threads of my heart
They have torn it into bits like
pieces of paper in fury,
Those hapless ones. "

"Son, how long will you go on with this?
What are you going to do with it?"
"Lord, this Great Garment
is a dream of compassion
See it is completely sewn now.
This is Thy holy shroud."

- Sudhakar Gaidhani
Translated from Marathi by Vishwaabhaa



Ero solo sul Monte Nebo
mentre mi sedevo per cucire insieme degli stracci
In quel momento il Signore
apparve davanti a me.
Sorrido come un ruscello triste.
"Cosa ci fai qui, figlio mio? Anche il mio sangue
sulla croce
Ti sei asciugato con questi stracci"!
"Signore, finché il sole
Si sta raffreddando all'orizzonte
Cucirò insieme questa veste sacra
usando come ago un chiodo del tuo crocifisso.
Il firmamento tremò
Tutti gli esseri viventi cominciarono a scappare in preda al panico
Tale fu la crudeltà accumulata su di te
Da quei mascalzoni
Questa è l'ultima veste del Tuo corpo
Che quei diavoli hanno abbattuto per strada
imbevuto del tuo santo sangue
L'ho raccolto subito
E l'ho lavato con le mie lacrime a metà
Questo è quello che sto facendo qui
Cucendolo con tutte le mie forze
con i fili del mio cuore
L'hanno fatto a pezzi come
pezzi di carta furiosi,
Quegli sfortunati. "

"Figlio, per quanto tempo andrai avanti con questo?
Cosa ve ne farete?"
"Signore, questo grande vestito
è un sogno di compassione
Guarda che ora è completamente cucito.
Questo è il Tuo santo sudario".


- Sudhakar Gaidhani
Tradotto da Franca Colozzo



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