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Europa cara - Europe dear - Sevgili Avrupa



George Onsy (Born in Cairo, in 1953) 

is an Egyptian International Holistic Thinker, Poet, Researcher, Architect/Urban Designer, Artist, and former Professor of Art-Architecture History at The Egyptian-Russian University- Cairo, as well as other academies. His outstanding works of poetry and art calling for a Unifying Universal Spirituality have been published in his books: VOICES FROM ETERNITY-India 2014, LET’S BE ONE IN THE ONE-India 2017, DIALOGUES ACROSS THE CENTURIES-India 2022, all on Amazon, and WITH OSCAR WILD (bookemon), as well as in over 80 international anthologies, magazines, e-zines, and several TV interviews. He is a recipient of several awards notably "THE GLOBAL ICON OF PEACE AWARD”, 2017 and “THE MOST OUTSTANDING PEACE POET”, 2018 (Nigeria), and “THE BEST POET AWARD”-2017 (World Nation Writers Union, Kazakhstan), UME-Latina America in addition to over 80 international Honorary Certificates/Awards. He has been appointed a Peace Ambassador for 10 international Writer Unions. Reaching out to the world in 6 international languages, George has been supported for the Nobel Prize by about 290 writers and conference Presidents around the world. He’s also a Board member of IoC/MRA-Egypt. He is also the Founder and President of the European-International Peace Organization #RRM3 – RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE MILLENNIUM III of over 500 members of the world’s culture and media luminaries. He is also the International Advisory Team Chairman for GPLT-UK for support on UN and EU projects.




            EUROPA Cara


Europa cara, dov'è la tua gloria?

Dove sono finite quelle grandi scintille

Che una volta illuminavano il nostro mondo?

Ma ora, tra Est e Ovest c'è un gioco di potere

Giocare d'azzardo con le vostre vite, cambiare

I sogni dei tuoi figli in

Incubi di quell'inferno.

Europa cara, c'è qualche gloria da seguire

Quei commercianti di sicurezza che

Vendono armi al prezzo stesso della paura?

Eppure, senza fede, la paura sarà sempre lì.

Lascia che le lacrime di tutte le tue guerre passate

Irrorino campi assetati di cibo e gioia!

Lascia che il sangue dei tuoi soldati

Tracci in rosso le ultime righe per fermare tutte le guerre che verranno,

Scrivere sulla faccia della Terra: No! Basta guerre!

Che la pace regni per sempre!

Le battaglie sono la danza dei mortali

Le ghirlande dei loro spacciatori sono per i teschi non per l'intelletto

Europa, torna ad essere l'illuminazione del nostro mondo!

Europa, sia questo Rinascimento del Millennio!


Testo, design, regia e adattamento musicale di

@George Onsy - Egitto



      EUROPE Dear


Europe dear, where is your glory

Where have gone those great sparks

That once enlightened our world

For today, the east-west game of power is gambling

With your lives, turning your children’s dreams

Into that inferno’s nightmares

Europe dear, is it any glory to follow

Those security dealers

Who sell weapons at the very price of fear?

Yet, without  faith, fear will be forever there

Let your tears of all the past

Water fields thirsty for food and joy

Let the blood of all your soldiers, dear

Trace in red last last line to stop  all wars to come

Writhing on Earth’s face:

No! No more wars

Let peace forever reign!

Battles are mortal’s dance

Their dealers’ threats are for skulls brains

Europe be again our world’s enlightenment

Europe be this millennium Renaissance.   





Turkish translation by Türkan Ergör



      Sevgili AVRUPA


Sevgili Avrupa, zaferin nerede? 

O büyük pırıltılar nereye gitti

Bir zamanlar dünyamızı aydınlatan

Ama şimdi, Doğu-Batı iktidar oyunu

Hayatlarınızla oynuyor, değiştiriyor

Çocuklarınızın hayallerini

O cehennem kabusları

Sevgili Avrupa peşinden gitmek zafer midir

Bu güvenlik tacirlerinin

Korku pahasına silah satan

Yine de, inanç olmadan, korku sonsuza kadar orada olacak.

Bütün savaşlardaki gözyaşları bitsin

Savaş alanları yiyeceğe ve neşeye susamış! 

Askerlerin kanını dökmeyi bırak sevgili

Gelecek tüm savaşları durdurmak için son satırları kırmızıyla çizin,

Yeryüzüne yazın: Hayır! Artık savaş yok!

Barış sonsuza dek sürsün!

Savaş ölümlülerin dansıdır

Tacirlerin çelenkleri beyinler için değil kafatasları içindir

Avrupa yine bizim dünyamız olsun


Avrupa bu bin yıllık refah dönemi olsun


              Poet: George Onsy

              Translated: Türkan Ergör


 Franca Colozzo - 07/09/2023 23:50:00 [ leggi altri commenti di Franca Colozzo » ]

Una poesia sull’Europa che ci unisce tutti in un corale abbraccio dati i tempi terribili che stiamo attraversando con il furoreggiare della guerra in Ucraina, guerra dimenticata ma non i morti che ne sono la diretta testimonianza.

A poem about Europe that unites us all in a unanimous embrace given the terrible times we are going through with the raging war in Ukraine, a forgotten war but not the dead who are direct testimony to it.

 Franca Colozzo - 07/09/2023 19:34:00 [ leggi altri commenti di Franca Colozzo » ]

By Dr. Archit. Franca Colozzo - ITALY

In this book, Prof. George Onsy (Egypt) - Founder and President of the RRM3 international movement, RINASCIMENTO RENAISSANCE - Millennium III - embarks on an incredible journey through his dialogues with some of the most famous characters of the past.
The author takes us back in time to relive a unique and exciting experience. Being able to compare ourselves with such important characters who have characterized historical eras of a past certainly not free from internal struggles, but culturally lively, allows us to face some dichotomous points of view and cultural and religious prejudices.
The dialogues become the fulcrum around which the author’s lyrical language and his remarkable culture intertwine in every area of human knowledge. Through them, his profound historical and cultural knowledge emerges together with the graphic skills of an architect, as well as a connoisseur of multiple languages, and a refined musician and composer.
His journey through time brings us closer to a glorious past of our European identity, the same that the Founding Fathers of Europe, in 1941, had tried to bring to light during the dark years of Nazi-Fascism, after the devastating two Great World Wars, on the threshold of that hoped-for rebirth which, at present, seems to be in a precarious equilibrium again.
Like a new Ulysses, Prof. George Onsy faces the stormy sea of this millennium debut, to lead us back to our common origin as human beings who struggle to make the identity feeling of a new humanism triumph just when all hopes seem to be shipwrecked in the "mare magnum" of the prevailing economic-political egocentrism and of the new nationalism that resurfaces on the ashes of the past.
George Onsy’s attempt to bring humanity back on the right track of a peaceful social and civil coexistence, also through his research on environmental sustainability and climate change, will certainly be crowned with success. But it is important that each of us learn his lesson from the past by projecting in the near future the desire for redemption, which strongly emerges through the lyrical pages of this masterpiece.

Dr. Architect FRANCA COLOZZO, poet | writer | freelancer | UN SDGs blogger | GGAF Director ~ ITALY | Peace Ambassador on behalf of GPLT (UK) | International RRM3 Executive Director | WEF~Lifelong Honorary Member | Social and cultural Activist | Founder of groups on social media, etc.

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