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Come affrontare i rischi che minacciano la nostra esistenza

Argomento: Società

di Franca Colozzo
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Pubblicato il 16/03/2023 22:45:35


A series of international meetings to seek solutions to save our dying planet.

After the in-depth research by Prof. George Onsy (Cairo, #Egypt) for the #COP27 Conference, which was brought together in Sharm El Sheikh, at the beginning of November 2022, the world leaders and excellence in the field of research, here is that once again he amazes us with his formidable series of posts and webinars to undertake serious research on climate, environment, and migration.


 In Italian on the following national and international newspapers





Lafrecciaweb informazione online




http://www.ecoitaliano.com.ar/?p=34183 ARGENTINA



option=com_content&view=article&id=19379:franca-colozzo-salvare-il-pianeta&catid=61:scienza&Itemid=109 BRASILE



rischi.../http://www.ecoitaliano.com.ar/?p=34183 ARGENTINA





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By Prof. George Onsy

International Cultural RRM3, RENAISSANCE-RENAISSANCE – Millennium III, of which I boast of being the Executive Director, Prof. George Onsy makes another important contribution to the sustainability and fate of our sick planet: a series of global zoom meetings to studying how to deal with the climate emergency. From my point of view as a scholar who writes for various national and international newspapers and blogs, including www.academia.edu and www.lteconomy.it etc., I have launched a series of initiatives aimed at stimulate the interest of the nearly five hundred members who currently make up our cultural-humanitarian movement RRM3.



After dealing with the pandemic period by dedicating myself to various e.Learning on climate, long-term economics and sustainability (hence my recent affiliation to UN ECOSOC and UN SDG), I thought it appropriate to summarize my recent studies in a series of articles to be used as a springboard for wider-ranging initiatives. This great effort was one of the reasons that triggered the RRM3 and the GPLT starting with their series of online workshops and posts.The online RRM3 workshop series kicked off on Wednesday, February 1 at 17:30 Cairo time with a zoom meeting that saw a large influx of scholars, researchers and intellectuals from around the world.

RRM3 identifies risks and problems, including the crisis of our suffering world, through 5 channels of contributions: SPIRITUAL, CULTURAL, INTELLECTUAL, FRATERNAL-HUMANITARIAN, ANALYTICAL-RESEARCH, and DEVELOPMENT-PRAGMATIC, to weekly address the following 10 destructive risks:


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Design by Prof. @George Onsy


1- Failure of climate action (% of respondents 42.1%)

2- Extreme Weather (32.4%)

3- Loss of biodiversity (27.0%)

4- Natural resource crisis (23.0%)

5- Human environmental damage (21.7%)



6- Social cohesion Erosion (19.1%)

* 7- Involuntary migration (15.0%), with which RRM3 online workshops started



8- Adverse technological advances (14.9%)


9- Geo-economic comparisons (14.1%)

10- Contesting geopolitical resources (13.5%)

One of the most pressing problems, especially for Europe, and consequently for the Middle East region and also for the whole world, is caused by INVOLUNTARY MIGRATION

(REFUGEE EMERGENCY, as some call it).


*WHAT DO YOU KNOW about the REPORT to warn the whole world?


According to the latest report: GLOBAL RISKS REPORT 2022, published by WEF International, our world is facing a serious emergency not only in terms of energy, climate and sustainability, but also the growing pockets of poverty (Africa, Asia and Latin America ), wars in the world and, in particular, for about a year in the heart of Europe itself, reiterating the dangers of the two devastating World Wars.

But the topic on which attention has been focused is related to involuntary migration, as will be seen in even more detail in the next online meetings jointly organized by RRM3 and by the NGO, founded and chaired by Dr. Nikki de Pina, based in London ( UK) GLPT.




Specifically, this is a risk that threatens not only Europe but the entire Middle East region and, consequently, much of the world.

The seminars are prepared, presented, and led by Dr. George Onsy-Egypt, President-Founder of RRM3, with the support of the Vice-President of RRM3, Dr. HC Dr. HC Nikki De Pina(UK), Founder of #GPLT, and the Executive Director of #RRM3Dr. Arch. FRANCA COLOZZO ITALY), UN ECOSOC member, UN SDG blogger, member of the International Union of Architects, and Founder of groups on Linkedin: HSW (HUMAN SOLIDARITY WAVE) & RRM3; on Facebook and WAp: WIM – WOMEN IN MOTION.

But even more significant was the interview of Prof. George Onsy, founder and president of RRM3, by international journalist, geologist, and Turkish poet, Dr. Tarık Günersel, who currently lives in Texas (USA). The aims of RRM3 were made explicit in a dynamic approach to the problems currently facing the world, with increasing migratory phenomena especially towards the Italian coasts also with the innovative mechanisms of RRM3 for "Crisis-management" and for immediate relief following the Turkish earthquake in Syria. You can find the link below:






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Design by Prof. George Onsy


#RRM3 also addressed the devastating consequences of the war in Ukraine, which aggravated the economic conditions of many peoples, through an anti-war (anti-war) chant, already translated into more than 30 languages by the best international poets. This song echoes a message of peace for Europe itself and for peace throughout the world, and will be presented at this year's Moscow Cultural Festival, and is currently being presented to the committee of the Beethoven Music Festival-Bonn, Germany.

You can find the link below: https://www.youtube.com/@rinascimento-renaissancemi1865



Some of #RRM3's honorary certificates donated to poets who translated the texts of this anti-war campaign.

The strategies put in place are helping a lot to make all the events work. All posts will be published with over 200 publications worldwide by: #RRM3 - Associate President, the Italian writer and journalist (L'Aquila), Goffredo Palmerini.

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Il giornalista e scrittore Goffredo Palmerini (L'Aquila), Italia

Goffredo Palmerini (L'Aquila) and his recent book dealing with the #RRM3 Association in eight pages, after regularly publishing a series of articles in connection with 200 national and international newspapers to present the vision, mission, and outstanding contribution of this organization to the whole world.

*** Considering the difficulty of attending the RRM3-GPLT online meetings mentioned above due to different time zones, we invite you to follow them as weekly posts on our RRM3 FB group, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram: https://www.facebook. com/groups/297603355185960

RRM3 YouTube Channel:



RRM3, RENAISSANCE-RENAISSANCE MILLENNIUM III is an international organization for peace made up of around 500 members, including distinguished luminaries, humanitarians, volunteers and personalities from the world's culture and media. RRM3 works for the future of Europe, responding to its rapid demographic change for a stable and secure future for European societies of all races and religions. In the meantime, we support Europe in helping the countries it colonized in the past. In this way, we help Europe and those countries that send waves of refugees into its territories.

RRM3's vision and its continued contribution to the world is regularly covered in over 200 publications worldwide by our Associate President, the eminent Italian writer and journalist Goffredo Palmerini, and other members of our media.



Together for the future of Europe -- Together with Europe for the world

#GPLT, founded in 2020 by Dr. HC Dr. HC Nikki De Pina, who is also the CEO of GLOBAL PEACE LET'S TALK

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HC Nikki De Pina is a passionate and ardent advocate for social justice and a peace-building activist. She is engaged in transformation social through the creation of platforms aimed at peace, justice and strong institutions, non-violence, and ending conflicts. Her numerous trips to Africa and her successes have determined her role as a key facilitator to support the transformation process that led to the principles of democracy after the release of Nelson Mandela (Madiba).



Pubblicato da

CEO/Architect UIA 🌏 GGAF~Director ITALY ✌ GPLT (UK) Peace Ambassador 🌏 RRM3 Executive Director | Founder of 2 LINKEDIN Groups: RRM3 & HUMAN SOLIDARITY WAVE Supporter of #thelanguagescorner.com (USA) & mdmsetup (UAE)
HOW TO FACE THE hashtag#TENhashtag#GLOBALhashtag#RISKS THAT THREAT OUR hashtag#EXISTENCE A series of hashtag#internationalhashtag#meetings to look for solutions to save our dying hashtag#planet.

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Franca Colozzo, nella sezione Articolo, ha pubblicato anche:

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:: [ Politica ] RRM3 Peace Campaigns - RRM3 Campagne per la Pace (Pubblicato il 19/09/2024 19:04:47 - visite: 204) »

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:: [ Clima ] COP27 - Egypt 2022, UN Conference on Climate Change (Pubblicato il 27/09/2022 23:20:08 - visite: 673) »

:: [ Società ] Soluzioni concrete per alleviare la sofferenza nel mondo (Pubblicato il 26/07/2022 23:36:07 - visite: 420) »

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:: [ Letteratura ] LUSTUS e il Problema del Male che inghiotte il mondo... (Pubblicato il 16/04/2022 01:46:03 - visite: 488) »

:: [ Società ] La guerra in Europa e la necessità di un nuovo Rinascimento. (Pubblicato il 04/04/2022 22:28:18 - visite: 379) »