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I am the artist

di Mohamed Kerkoub 

Proposta di Franca Colozzo »

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Pubblicato il 13/12/2021 20:13:44


             I AM THE ARTIST



I am the artist meditating with great passion

the owner of the favorite parade

At this time I was always confused

I always wonder what the neighbors say?

I will reveal the secret of the soul and conscience

so that the meeting with the bride of time is fulfilled

let us build the edifice

and raise the children in the arms

to overflow and permeate tenderness

so that the entity settles with the kindness of love

to the point of infatuation for harmony with interaction

and harmony and fly

On that day the pigeons in the sky

Creator of creatures and universes

Expressing peace between loved ones and brothers

In every time and place

Let the beloved settle down with the confused twins

After that, there are no words for the Most Merciful

to be completed His grace is upon us completely

And Then we say praise for the best of sleep

and oh peace while we are sitting with love

and tenderness we eat with the love of pomegranate

under the throne of perpetuality

Then you enter palaces pearls, emeralds, and coral

in which the basins are filled with whales

Of all kinds and colors

You become the lady of the poplars in the heavens

The two children serve you

The light surrounds you from everywhere

And the most amazing is your glamorous beauty

Every creative artist is fascinated by Him

What he sees with the insight of the heart

Glowing with warmth Piety

And faith.


By Mohamed Kerkoub from Algeria

@All rights reserved

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