1- Darkness and light.
A poem by Farzaneh Dorri
No! Darkness never wins!
as long as your kind hands
shape the formless clay
into harmony,
as long as your soulful eyes
create a dancing balance
in the composition of interacting beings,
as long as we try to build
this bridge across the continents;
I can hope light
will bring peace to this world.
1 - Oscurità e luce.
Una poesia di Farzaneh Dorri
Le tenebre non vincono mai!
Finché le tue mani gentili
Modelleranno l'argilla informe
In armonia,
Finché i tuoi occhi colmi d’amore
Creeranno un equilibrio volteggiante
Nell’amalgama di esseri interagenti,
Finché cercheremo di costruire
Un ponte d’armonia attraverso i continenti;
Posso sperare che la luce
Porterà la pace in questo mondo.
2- The media. A poem by Farzaneh Dorri
I’m not lured by your shallow vast ocean,
which will vanish into thin air
with some rays of the sun.
I have my unfathomable growing
well hidden in the desert:
I have sweat
I have wept
I have bled
I have shed
I have lost
I have shared
I have loved
I have died
for every inch of it.
Non sono attratta dal tuo vasto oceano poco profondo,
Che svanirà nel nulla
Per qualche raggio di sole.
Ho il mio insondabile
Pozzo che cresce bene
Nascosto nel deserto:
Ho sudato
Ho pianto
Ho sanguinato
Ho versato
Ho perso
Ho condiviso
Ho amato
Sono morta
Per ogni centimetro di esso.
3- Vastness of presence. A poem by Farzaneh Dorri
The jungle was prancing
in the deer's dream,
and the deer was growing
on the back of a fish.
The fish was soaring
in the cloudless sky,
and the sky was walking
on the still water of a pond.
The pond was watching
the vastness of your presence,
and your presence was falling off
my abounding absence.