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TORINO FILM LAB - Script and Pitch

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Comunicazione di Giorgio Mancinelli
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Pubblicato il 21/10/2015 07:26:35

with the support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union

TARGET PARTICIPANTS: professional scriptwriters and writer-directors from all over the world. The course is aimed at fiction feature film projects at an early development stage.
DURATION: 3 week-long residential workshops in March, June and November 2016 + 2 on-line sessions.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: October 30th, 2015, 12:00 p.m. CET (noon).
About Script&Pitch
Every year TorinoFilmLab offers Script&Pitch, an advanced script development course for scriptwriters and directors of feature films from all over the world. The programme, supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union, is realized with the support of Flanders Audiovisual Fund and Le Groupe Ouest, and in partnership with NISI MASA.

Open to 12 projects from all over the world, the course lasts 9 months - from March to November 2016, and foresees 3 residential workshops and 2 on-line sessions. It follows the entire scriptwriting process, offering close collaboration and insights into the challenges of each step, from generating ideas and structuring the material through first and second drafts, up to a final pitch in front of the Decision Makers invited to the TorinoFilmLab Meeting Event in November 2016, during the Torino Film Festival.

The selected Script&Pitch projects will have the possibility to apply to the TorinoFilmLab FrameWork programme in 2017, provided they fulfil the conditions of eligibility.

In addition to the 12 projects, 3 story editor trainees will be selected to join the workshop process, thereby completing the Script&Pitch team. A special call for this Story Editing training will be launched on October 1st, 2015. Deadline for applications: December 1st, 2015.

Who can apply?
Script&Pitch is open to professional scriptwriters and writer-directors from all over the world.

Many of our participants already work together with a production company. However, it is not necessary to have a producer attached to the project.

Applicants must confirm their availability for the workshops and the final pitch.
The working language of all Script&Pitch workshops, meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.

Workshops & on-line sessions
Three intensive weeklong workshops and two on-line sessions keep the project development in a constructive flow. Participants work in groups of four writers and a story editor trainee, with a tutor heading the process. The course includes lectures, talks and one-to-one meetings with industry professionals. The tool of pitching one's project to others will be used throughout the course in various ways, for example in the form of a video pitch.

Workshop locations & dates
First residential workshop: 11-17 March 2016 (Ghent, Belgium)
Second residential workshop: 18-25 June 2016 (Brignogan, France)
Third residential workshop and Meeting Event: 27 November-2 December 2016 (Turin, Italy)

N.B. The workshop locations and dates are subject to change.

Participation fees & scholarships
Course participation fee: 2.000 Euro.
Scholarships can be assigned by merit.

This amount covers workshop training, on-line sessions, accommodation and subsistence during the workshops. Participants must pay travel costs. In many countries scholarships are available for this training.

How to apply?
The requested materials - to be submitted all in English and in one PDF - are:
- an updated CV (2 pages maximum);
- a project synopsis (1 page maximum);
- a project treatment (10 pages maximum);
- a project intention (5 pages maximum): it may include a director's/scriptwriter's motivation;
- audiovisual approach documents (moodboard, etc.);
- a previous work (optional; 30 minutes maximum)*

*a link (with password) to one previous short film or extract of previous materials. Submitted materials should be in English or have English subtitles/translation; show reels will not be accepted. Videos must be received by the Script&Pitch staff along with the application package no later than October 30th, 2015.

Please click on the "Apply Now!" button in the right-side column of this page to access the on-line application form and submit your project. Before starting the application process, you will need to create an account on the TFL Visitor Page.

Deadline for applications: October 30th, 2015, 12:00 p.m. CET (noon)

Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed via scheduled Skype meetings on 19-20 December, 2015.

For more information please contact:

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