স্বপ্নবিলাসের ধুতুরা, উন্মোচিত শিল্পীদের বীরপাড়ায়। আকন্ঠ বিষপান করে সুর ধরেছে বাউল চালচুলোহীন মনে শান্তি টুকু শুধু গীত সন্ধানে, স্বাধীনতার উল্লাস নাকি মুক্তিযুদ্ধের যোদ্ধা? শিল্পীরা শিল্প বিলিয়ে দিয়ে অনাহার কুড়োয়, থলি ভরে নিয়ে আসে স্বাধীনতা ও শূন্যতা। রক্ত ঘনীভূত হয় শিরায় শিরায়, রণধ্বনি করে আভাস দেয় শিল্পখিদার! রগরগে ঘা সুষ্পষ্ট হয়ে স্ফীত মনের দেওয়ালে, সুর সাধনায় আবিষ্ট বাউল, চোখের কোণ হতে ঝরে পড়া দেউলিয়া কান্নায় বুঝিয়ে দেয় কুৎসিত ছন্নছাড়া কাগুজে নগদেরা শুধু বিলাসিতায় জগজ্জয়ী, বৈকুণ্ঠ নগরে নারদ ও গান বিলিয়ে নারায়ণের মন জোগান! শিল্পান্বেষীরা বরাবরই অভুক্ত স্বাধীন, আপোষহীন আলোড়নে বাঘে-নেউলের কলঙ্করচিত শিকার! ~© গল্পকার শুচিস্মিতা
English :
The 'Datura' of rosy dreams, unraveled in the valiant-land of artists.
A lunatic has immersed himself into the melodies after taking the poison in his throat,
The song-searcher soul has been extremely pacifying in the mind for a destitute,
Is it the cheers for independence or is he a warrior of freedom?
The artists buy 'starvation' after the dissemination of art,
Come with both the 'freedom' and 'vacuum' in his bag. The blood gets dense in the veins,
roars in irrevocable pride as it is starving for 'art'!
The bright wounds are transparent and bloating in the wall of the mind,
The lunatic is lured in the perseverance of melody,
His eyes are cramming with insolvent tears clearly telling that the ugly,
cluttered and papery money is the only inevitable in luxury;
Even Shri Narada amuses Shri Narayan with his songs only!
The pioneers of art are always unfed independent,
They are infamous prey of tigers and mongooses in the rigid concussion!
~© storytellersuchismita
La 'Datura' dei sogni rosei, svelata nella valorosa terra degli artisti,
Un pazzo si è immerso nelle melodie dopo aver preso il veleno in gola,
L'anima del cercatore di canzoni è stata estremamente pacificante nella mente di un indigente,
È il tifo per l'indipendenza o è un guerriero della libertà?
Gli artisti comprano 'fame' dopo la diffusione dell'arte,
Vieni con la "libertà" e il "vuoto" nella sua borsa.
Il sangue si fa denso nelle vene, ruggisce con irrevocabile orgoglio perché ha fame di 'arte'!
Le ferite luminose sono trasparenti e gonfie nel muro della mente,
Il pazzo è attratto dalla perseveranza della melodia,
I suoi occhi sono pieni di lacrime insolventi che dicono chiaramente che il brutto,
il denaro disordinato e cartaceo è l'unico inevitabile nel lusso;
Anche Shri Narada diverte Shri Narayan solo con le sue canzoni!
I pionieri dell'arte sono sempre sfamati indipendenti,
Sono famigerate prede di tigri e manguste nella rigida commozione cerebrale!