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Oh, Mother Earth - Ah, Madre Terra

di Ali Imran 

Proposta di Franca Colozzo »

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Pubblicato il 08/05/2023 22:00:29

Apri foto
Ali Imran -  Poet, Writer
Ali Imran A Short Bio Ali Imran is a poet and writer based in Washington D.C. In his works, Imran explores the philosophical ideas of thinkers in the Eastern and Western worlds. Having lived and worked in South Asia, Europe, and the United States, Imran has developed a metamodern outlook and writes about an array of challenges like human disconnects, climate change, Nature, the human soul and city life, universal mysteries, and immigrants. He approaches modern themes with a blend of metamodern, mystic, and romantic poetic styles. His journalistic work in several parts of the world has given him an added experience as a writer and poet. Imran’s poem on affinity for peace was selected for a dramatic performance by the World Consciousness Alliance at their 2020 annual event in Washington D.C. Recently, the American University in Washington picked his poem " La Convivencia for our Times" for reading as part of the discussion on the state of arts and culture in Muslim-majority countries. His first book, a translation of an autobiography, will be out shortly. Currently, Imran is compiling a collection of his poems composed over years. Imran's works have appeared in several publications since his college days when he served as student editor of the Murray College magazine in Sialkot, Pakistan.
Profilo · Scrittore
Journalist presso Voice of America
Speaker/Guest Lecturer presso American University
current affairs analyst presso BBC, CGTN, PTV
Precedentemente Managing Editor presso Views and News
Precedentemente Journalist presso Pakistan Today
Precedentemente Washington Correspondent presso Associated Press of Pakistan - APP
Precedentemente Washington Correspondent presso Express News
Precedentemente Writer presso News and Current Affairs Channel
Ha studiato presso Cardiff University/Thomspon Foundation
Vive a Washington
POEM: ✍️🦚🌹
 Oh, Mother Earth!
When the summer came
We inhaled its blissful morning breeze
And frittered away your ores
To the loss of our own cores.
Little did we care about
The deep animistic connections
And forgot that we sprouted like plants
From Earth’s heavenly womb.
Then one day woke up to a nightmare
- We will have to summon up
All our courage
To change our ways.
Now, with all the gadgets
And logarithms at our command
We have become spectators
Taking selfies and surfeiting ourselves on industrial fishing.
Will we ever learn to unlearn
The badged indulgence of our times
And protect the gifted Amazons
To save our souls,
And preserve the planet for our own people
Of tomorrow?
Copyright: Ali Imran

Ah, Madre Terra!


Quando è arrivata l'estate
Abbiamo inalato la sua carezzevole brezza mattutina
E sprecato i tuoi minerali
Fino alla perdita dei nostri stessi  nuclei.
Poco ci interessava 
Delle profonde connessioni animistiche
Dimenticando che siamo germogliati come piante
Dal grembo celeste della Terra.
Poi un giorno ci siamo svegliati in preda a un incubo:
- Dovremmo tirar fuori
Tutto il nostro coraggio
Per cambiare le nostre abitudini.
Ora, con tutti i gadget
E la tecnologia al nostro comando
Siamo diventati spettatori
Scattando selfie e abbuffandoci di pesca industriale.
Impareremo mai a disimparare
L'assuefazione dei nostri tempi,
A proteggere le abili Amazzoni per salvare le nostre anime,
E a preservare il pianeta per le generazioni
Di domani?

Tradotto da Franca Colozzo


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