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Bride of the night

di Mohamed Kerkoub 

Proposta di Franca Colozzo »

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Pubblicato il 22/01/2022 01:10:21

Bride of the night


O owner of the path

No matter how dark the nights are

May God enlighten you with the stars of the earth

With Arabidopsis adorned the place

Let the world become lights and dreams

How sweet whispering and talking

As if we are in the high sky

With a dear Time

The princess of sparring

With her enchanting beauty

Stirring the heart and conscience

There the planets and stars sparkle

For excitement and enthusiasm

From the Lord of beings and universes

What love

It ran in the arteries in human blood

Until he reached the two

Looking for the handsome

It's time for compatibility

Good souls

For calm and purity of atmosphere,

No matter how far the distances are

It's near and the meeting is close

With the lover of nostalgia

You are the knight of dreams

In every season

You are snow-white

In white

You are all elegance and sophistication

Because it is woven of soft silk

It is like a dress of bliss

It was given to you by the handsome hero

Because it is the season of spring

When we met, they embraced

The affection and nostalgia

For the time of yearning

The longing of the two.


By @Med Kerkoub


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